Resources There are 61 PILA resources available. Showing items 31 - 40.
Case Summary: Cahill –v- Sutton [1972] IR 269 Issued : January 2016 Standing refused where constitutionality of the statute of limitations was challenged, but Plaintiff not directly affected. Case Summary: The Society for the Protection of Unborn Children (Ireland) Limited –v- Diarmuid Coogan & Ors, Defendants [1988] IR 734 Issued : January 2016 Standing granted to an NGO with good faith interest in the life of the unborn and where there could not be a victim to sue in respect of that right. Case Summary: Irish Penal Reform Trust Limited & Ors –v- the Governor of Mountjoy Prison & Ors [2005] IEHC 305 Issued : January 2016 Standing granted to an NGO that was a sincere and good faith litigant with expertise in prisoners' rights, in a case raising constitutional issues regarding the treatment of psychiatrically ill prisoners. Case Summary: Digital Rights Ireland Ltd – v – Minister for Communication & Ors [2010] IEHC 221 Issued : January 2016 Standing granted to an NGO that was a sincere and serious litigant, in a case that raised important constitutional matters around retention of data affecting the public and where unlikely that an individual could afford to take such a case. Case Summary: R (on the application of Greenpeace Ltd) -v- Inspectorate of Pollution & Anor. (No 2) [1994] 4 All ER 329 Issued : January 2016 Standing granted to an NGO to judicially review a decision to authorise discharge of radioactive waste, on the basis of genuine and good faith concern in the environment and internationally recognised expertise.
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