Judge at Court of Justice of the European Union – deadline 23 March 2015

A vacancy will arise in October 2015 in the position as the Irish member of the Court of Justice of the European Union. 

An independent group has been established by the Government to assist in identifying candidates with the relevant qualifications; to assess their suitability and to make a recommendation for nomination by the Government in accordance with Article 253 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU. The group is chaired by The Hon. John D. Cooke SC, retired judge of the High Court and the General Court of the EU.

Initial written expressions of interest are being sought in confidence, subject to the FOI Acts 1997 and 2003, from persons possessing the required qualifications and attention in that regard is directed to the Treaty Articles 253, 254 and 255 TFEU. 

Upon receipt of expressions of interest, the group will furnish applicants with information on the terms applicable to the post, the criteria of eligibility and suitability which are taken into account together with the model format of application/curriculum vitae specified for the purpose of Article 255 TFEU. Candidates may be invited to interview.

The qualifications and suitability of the nominee of the Government will also be assessed by the Panel established under Article 255 TFEU before the nomination is submitted to the Member States for appointment.

The Activity Reports of the Article 255 Panel contain a description of that assessment procedure and the Panel’s approach to the criteria of suitability used in its examination of candidatures. The panel’s reports are available below.

Information on the European Court of Justice including its annual reports may be found at the website: www.curia.europa.eu.

Initial expressions of interest should include a brief statement of personal details, Including email address, professional qualifications and current position and should be sent marked ‘Confidential’ by 5pm Monday 23 March 2015 to:

Mr. David McGrath
Courts Policy Division
Department of Justice and Equality
51 St. Stephen's Green
Dublin 2

Click here for more details.  



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