The PILS Project produces new guide to Protective Costs Orders in Northern Ireland

The PILS Project, which provides legal and financial support to non-governmental organisations and solicitors firms to bring public interest cases in Northern Ireland, has released a new guide to Protective Costs Orders (PCOs) in Northern Ireland.

PCOs are orders from the court which limit the costs to be awarded in legal proceedings.  A PCO allows an applicant of limited financial means access to the courts, in order to advance their case.  PCOs enable legal issues to be clarified for the benefit of the public, without substantial costs being made against the applicant if the case is lost. Given the limited guidance provided by the courts, this publication aims to bring together information on how to apply for a PCO in Northern Ireland. The booklet looks at relevant case law, possible procedures and precedent PCO applications.

Click here for Protective Costs Orders in Northern Ireland: A Guidance Note.

Click here for our FAQ on PCOs in Ireland and here for our 2010 report The Costs Barrier & Protective Costs Orders.




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